Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tao of Twitter

One book I had to read for my Media Writing class was The Tao of Twitter by Mark Schaefer.  As someone who has never used Twitter before, this book was extremely helpful.  Schaefer includes many tips for beginners to get the most out of Twitter.  The book begins with a personal story of Schaefer’s where he wrote an innocent tweet “Go Steelers,” which led to a conversation with a friend that in turn led to multiple business relationships networking opportunities for Schaefer and other people in world of marketing.

Schaefer goes on to explain that anyone can have similar experiences with Twitter by making use of three elements.  The first is to make targeted connections.  Surround yourself with people with similar interests.  The second is to provide meaningful content.  By doing these two things together audiences will certainly find you.  The third tip is to provide authentic helpfulness.  Don’t try to sell anything to anybody, human interaction will lead to connections, awareness, and trust.      

Later chapters focus on how to get the most out of Twitter to achieve all three of the elements.  Some are simple dealing with the language of Twitter like re-tweet, “@” signs, and “#” signs.  Another section advises Twitter users on when to Tweet and how often each day.  Other sections cover more advanced concepts such as activity streaming, audience maintenance, and creating brand pages.  Schaefer warns people that Twitter creates a searchable record of your statements.  Like all social media programs, Schaefer advises to be careful what you post.

The Tao of Twitter is a good book for people who want to learn more about the benefits Twitter can provide.  The book is a quick read at only 156 pages with font that is easy on the eyes.  I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking to expand their online presence through Twitter.