I've decided that every year around Halloween I am going to do a review on something eerie. Last year I looked at Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island. This year I will take an in-depth look at the 2015 anime series Death Parade. Death Parade is among a select group of anime that is not based on a preexisting manga. The series spawned from a short film titled Death Billiards, which was originally produced by Madhouse for the Young Animator Training Project's Anime Mirai 2013.
So what's Death Parade about? Well, whenever a person dies, they are sent to one of many bars run by bartenders serving as arbiters. Decim, the series's main character, runs a bar called the Quindecim where he is responsible for judging couples who died together. It's a formulaic process. The humans arrive at Quindecim with no memory of how they got there or of the events leading up to their deaths. Decim on the other hand receives a handful of his guests' memories from the information bureau so that he has a rough idea of who each of his guests are. Then he explains to the guests that they cannot leave the bar until they have played a game. One caveat is that the players will be putting their lives on the line, and Decim shows them a sinister collection of human dummies behind the wall of his bar to drive the point home. Frightened and with no other choice, the humans play the game while Decim decides who will be reincarnated and who will be sent into the void.
The whole idea of the games is to create severe tension which will bring out the darkest parts of each player's nature. After all, fear and self preservation are the most primal human emotions. This in theory is the last piece of the puzzle in showing the arbiter who these people really are. While they are playing, the humans slowly regain their memories of what happened to them and ultimately realize that they are dead.
It's an intriguing premise, one that wouldn't be out of place in an episode of The Twilight Zone. But whereas a Twilight Zone version of this would only end with the realization that the guests are already dead, Death Parade goes a step further and analyzes the entire system used to judge people's souls.

This leads to the revelation that Decim is an arbiter who has been infused with human emotions, even though he doesn't quite understand them. Nona accepts that there is something ironic and unfair about the arbitration process. The arbiters are incapable of feeling emotions or knowing what it's like to die, yet they are the ones who are tasked with passing judgment on those that do. Therefore, Decim is her experiment in improving the system, and Chiyuki has been unknowingly tasked with helping Decim understand what it means to be human.
This anime is one of my all time favorites. It raises great topics of conversation about living a fulfilling life, what it means to die, and the morality of judging people based on incomplete information. That being said, I would caution viewers about some disturbing content. Characters violently attack each other, blood is shed, and murder, rape, and suicide are discussed and shown.

Not many of these characters are given a lot of screentime. But when they do have your attention, they drop little snippets that beg for further elaboration. Oculus mentions in Episode 5 that God has been gone for a long time. What does that mean? Is God dead? High School DxD presented a world where God perished in a battle between angels and devils. What happened in Death Parade's world that caused God to go away?
In Episode 7, Quin states that the increased number of deaths is making it difficult for her to do her work condensing people's memories. Could this be why the arbiters' judgments are incomplete? When deaths were less frequent, were the arbiters given more complete information on their human guests? There is so much more to this universe as hinted at sporadically by the various side characters. I just wish more time was spent on them and their stories in addition to Decim and Chiyuki. Twelve episodes is really insufficient to gain a complete picture of this world. I think that a 26 episode season would have allowed the supporting characters and side plots to really shine. At the very least, a second season would be appreciated to answer some of my questions.
Well, I think that covers just about everything. Overall Death Parade is an extremely thought provoking series with two excellent main characters who help each other learn and grow. It should not be missed by anime fans, or people looking to explore the pros and cons that go with making impartial, emotionless judgement calls versus those informed by the heart and soul.